
瑞麗市聚欢珠宝店是壹家從事金銀珠寶、翡翠文化、技術研究、生產開發設計、零售批發等領域為壹體的專業珠寶公司。作為國內著名品牌,聚茗翡翠從翡翠的選料、設計、生產到銷售全程壹體化運作,力求打造精品翡翠。聚茗翡翠經過近十幾年的快速發展,如今在雲南省內有幾十個金銀珠寶、翡翠專營店。公司立足於中國翡翠之城瑞麗,秉承瑞麗“翡翠第壹城”的美譽,繼承瑞麗千年翡翠文化,立意傳播自然、深邃、健康的佩飾觀念,締造洋溢著濃郁經典文化的尊貴珠寶品牌。 Ruili Pinqi jewelry store is a professional jewelry company engaged in gold and silver jewelry, jade culture, technical research, production, development and design, retail and wholesale. As a famous brand in China, juming jadeite has integrated operation from material selection, design, production to sales, and strives to create high-quality jadeite. After more than ten years of rapid development, juming jadeite now has dozens of gold, silver, jewelry and jadeite stores in Yunnan Province. Based on China's Jade City Ruili, the company inherits Ruili's reputation as "the first city of jade", inherits Ruili's millennium jade culture, intends to spread the concept of natural, profound and healthy jewelry, and create a noble jewelry brand filled with rich classic culture.
Yunnan Pu'er tea industry Co., Ltd